The price of this farm is negotiable.
This farm is a high potential farm with 72 hectares irrigation by three pivots.
Water rights of 260 000 cubic meter is included.
There is 50 hectares dry lands as well.
Good grazing makes up the rest of the farm - 465 hectares.
The grazing is divided in camps supplied with water.
Water is supplied by 2 boreholes, 3 cement dams and 5 earth dams.
There is a big store and a smaller store next to the homestead.
The original homestead is divided in two and rented out.
Two smaller houses are additional and is also rented out.
Cattle handling facilities are in a good condition.
Three Eskom points provide electricity for the homestead and pivots.
Next to the Wilge-river is a 10-stand caravan park with an ablution block.